The LOg ReCovery Analysis Tool (LORCAT) was developed to enable mill personnel, mobile bandsaw operators and researchers to examine the impact and relationships among various factors that influence hardwood mill recovery. LORCAT is a spreadsheet-based tool that was developed for use with the Microsoft Excel® or LibreOffice® spreadsheet applications. LORCAT allows users to interactively find out view the results from a single log, or view trends using hundreds of logs using a batch interface. The analysis tool requires users to specify the log length, USFS log grade, species, small- and large-end diameters along with processing specifications, including: opening face dimensions, cant size, board thickness, green allowance, sawing variation, kerf size and taper sawing method. Given this data, LORCAT reports the expected total number and volume of lumber and cants produced and the projected recovery by National Hardwood Lumber Association grade as well as estimated cost and profit numbers.