WoodCite is a Microsoft® Access-based application that allows wood component manufacturers to develop product price quotations for their customers.
The WoodCite installation utility is available as a compressed (zipped) file that can be downloaded from this site. Once downloaded, you will have to uncompress (or unzip) the file to a folder on your computer. The user's guide (draft version) is also available as a PDF document. To begin the installation process, follow these instructions:
Download the WoodCite installation utility [ZIP 34.4 MB] to a folder on your computer. Be sure to remember the location where the file is being saved.
Navigate to the folder where the zipped file was saved, and uncompress the file.
Look for the "install.exe" file with the WoodCite icon (
). Double-click this file to start the installation utility. You will see the following installation menu:
Please note that if you are running Windows 7, installing WoodCite to the "ProgramFiles" folder may cause the application to fail(due to the folder's read-write and security attributes) and is not recommended.
To install WoodCite, select the button that contains the caption "Install WoodCite 1.1 for Microsoft Access." Make a note of the location you are installing to. Follow the setup routine's instructions until the process is completed.
If for some reason the setup routine does not work on your computer, look in the folder that contains the unzipped files and locate the "Version_1_Access" folder. Copy it to your computer and then proceed with the steps below.
After you are finished installing (or copy ing) WoodCite to your computer and you are running Microsoft Access 2007 or above, you will have to define WoodCite's program folder as a trusted location. To do this, open Microsoft Access and then follow these steps:
If you are using Microsoft Access 2007, Click the Office button at the upper left-hand corner of the window. Select “Access Options” from near the bottom-right side of the menu. The “Access Options” dialog will appear.
If you are using Microsoft® Access 2010, Select the “File” tab near the upper left-hand corner of the window. Select “Options” near the bottom of the navigator (on the left side of the window). The “Access Options” dialog will appear.
Select “Trust Center” at the left side of the “Access Options” window.
At the right side of the “Access Options” window, select “Trust Center Settings.”
At the left side of the “Trust Center” window, select “Trusted Locations” and then select the “Add new location” button near the bottom of the window.
Browse for the folder that contains the Wood Cite program files. Be sure to select “Subfolders of this location are also trusted.”
Select “OK” to close each window.
Restart Microsoft Access.
This page was updated on November 14, 2012 by Jeff Palmer, USDA Forest Service.